Musicians creating music, artists trying to achieve their flow state, professionals on Zoom calls, or students in the books - in a situation where families are working from home - all are now fighting for prime real estate, specifically, the quietest areas of the home.

Many of us are trying desperately to mold our lives around what is more than likely our new “normal”. Yes, things will get better, but they will never go back to the way they were and quite honestly it wouldn’t make sense if it did.
Working from home for a lot of us is more efficient. For corporations, it puts enormous amounts of money back into their pockets. Their overhead has gone way down and many won’t be hiring back all those they’ve laid off as they fast-track acquiring automation systems that will lessen their dependency of virus-vulnerable workers - ‘responsible pandemic planning’, they call it. It’s no surprise that profits and stock prices are soaring.
The vaccine is out there trying to find its way into the arms of citizens everywhere but, it’s not the answer to all that ails us. Some people will be declining to take the two-dose vaccination while others aren’t yet eligible. At this point, anyone under the age of 18 is not approved to receive the vaccination which could contribute to leaving schools closed or at limited capacities.
Kids staying home means many parents need to stay home to help keep everything together.

It seems as though we have a lot of adapting to do as families. They way we live, how much stuff we have, our routines, how we segment the areas in our homes and what we dedicate those areas to will all be changing. Home builders and designers may take a fresh new look at how we design our living spaces. Future neighborhoods with more modern circular floor plan and a small courtyard in the middle in order to provide sound buffering space between living and working areas may become more practical.
But with tensions rising in homes across the country as we try to live and work together, what’s to be done in the short term to avoid a total insurrection at home?
Consider this scenario. One parent is the drummer in a band. The other parent works in advertising for a company that has gone fully remote. The couple has two elementary school-aged children who are learning from home and require help and supervision throughout the day.
One parent can’t sell and the kids can’t learn if the drummer drums. If the drummer doesn’t drum, well there goes the band. (Ya, I said it.) Have I mentioned that if the kids don’t learn they will never move out and you will be paying for their cell phones for the rest of their lives?
Check out this video, it just may be your salvation. If you are in a band definitely. If you're a professional, you may no longer have to worry about your dog interrupting your Zoom by barking at the mailman. If you're an artists, writer, or practice meditation, you'll slip into your flow with ease. If you are a parent consider it your safe room.