I find that when a person writes you are seeing who they really are. Especially if they are writing poetry.
This type of work comes from the core of a person and gives way to glimpses of pain they have endured or the happiness they have experienced. Poetry is, in essence, our emotions flowing through our fingertips and exposing us for the world to see. Sometimes we want to be found out, other times the thoughts and feelings escape us like lava from an erupting volcano. Once it starts, there is no stopping it and we are left feeling like we are standing naked in the middle of the street.
That’s how this writing game is played. You put yourself out there, swallow back the lump in your throat, and remind yourself being creative is the only thing that makes you happy.
I first “met” Dominick Chianese Jr. through his writing and photography. I was instantly taken with the rawness of it. The way the photography pulls you in and the words keep you there wanting more. I went down a rabbit hole that night and read until my eyes blurred.
It wasn’t until the next day when I was searching for this guy's website that I discovered who he was. Some things began to make sense. His eye for lighting, the way he pairs a written piece with a photograph. He’s blessed with the ability to write with the heart of a poet and envision a finished piece with the eye of an actor.
What I find to be the most refreshing aspect of Dominick is that he is today what he was the day he was born. Dominick Chianese Jr. The person. His profession does not define him, nor does he want it to. He leads with humanity and that makes him stand out in the most unassuming way.
Enjoy another sampling of his work here.
